Livia Spinolo was born in Milan. She has a Master in Geology, twelve years of experience in an energy company and sixteen years in training and teaching applied arts. She recently graduated with a BA (Hons) Fine Art.
Her past experience in silversmithing is a foundation for her craftsmanship.
My aim is to shift implied perceptions by defamiliarising the state of structures and everyday objects, challenging the viewers’ sense of an orderly world. I am particularly interested in creating a different version of reality. My practice ranges from drawing and print to sculpture and site-specific installations, engaging with sensory experience.
My work questions the imaginary orders rooted in the collective imagination. I explore the precariousness of systems that do not function because they have lost their meaning. I realise that nothing is solid, and all is provisional.
I engage with structures that stand as metaphors for the imaginary systems we have created. I investigate what form and space communicates beyond the visible. I explore the tension between the representational surface and the real world, and the visual illusion generated by the interplay of the two perceptual experiences.